Kawan-kawan... Tq friends..
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Before 2009 ends

Monday, December 14, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thank you Kak Dee...

Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Danish...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Daniel...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hexagon Progress....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Exciting Outdoor Activities... but not to be repeated...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
my x-stitch

Thursday, June 18, 2009
My new gadget & current activities

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Rumah April 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
Problem solved! Now i can upload my picture.. Lol.. Thanks to blogger.com. hehe...
Just want to show the progress on my hexy project.
Atas nasihat kakak-kakak bloggers yang baik hati, aku guna hexy hijau kelilingnya.
Kain background tu aku bentang je, nak tgk kesesuaian. Ok tak kaler background tu?
Nak jahit sebagai frame ke nak buat hexy jugak ek?
Heee.. bestnye dapat update blog... heee..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
testing testing..
zila komplen yg dia tak boleh nak update blog dia..so aku nak cuba lah ni....
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I'm 30 years and 1 day old already..
Bestnyer cuti semalam.. Hehe..
Sepanjang hari duduk rumah, selepas operasi menyapu dan mengemop, aku pun menghadap la hexagon aku..
Aku cuba nak siapkan table runner aku..
Tgh buat hexagon hijau, seperti yang dicadangkan oleh kengkawan blogger ku yang baik hati... (Thanks a lot..)
Nak jahit keliling, pastu baru buat frame.
Harap2 menjadi la seperti yang aku bayangkan..hehe..
For my birthday celebration, my hubby took us out for dinner.
Me, my Hubby, my Daniel, my Danish, my mom and my dad.
Makan kat Secret Recipe, Jusco Cheras Selatan..
Thanks abang.. Luv u..
Juga, syukur yang tak terhingga ke hadrat Ilahi..atas segala rezeki yang dikurniakan kepada kami sekeluarga. Alhamdulillah...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Red Hexagon..
Ini projek terbaru. Niat di hati nak buat table runner untuk emak.
Only started, now one and a half diamond.. and will be growing.
Harap-harap dapat digunakan semasa Aidilfitri tahun ni.. InsyaAllah..

Mei sudah tiba.. Hello to May
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What should I do...?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Wishlist...
Hi & good day everyone..
May is coming..
I’ll be celebrating my 30th birthday this coming May..
Haha.. sudah mau dapat digit 3 la…
Tapi, secara terus terang, aku tak terasa pun macam nak masuk umur 30..
Sebab terasa muda jer.. hehe.. perasan..
Cuma terasa dewasa je la, sebab tgk anak2 semakin membesar.Dulu kenit jer.. hehe..
Inilah senarai angan-angan aku..My wishlist that need to be fulfilled by myself.
Aku x nak minta kat abe aku, tapi kalo dia terbaca & terasa nak bagi, kecik tapak tangan, Stadium Merdeka aku tadahkan.. hehe..
1) W I S H – Impian yang telah tersimpan sekian lama. Aku berangan nak MPV Toyota Wish. Tapi kalo dapat Proton Exora yang baru tu ok gak.. hehe.. We can always have another options, right..?

2) Mesin Jahit – Aku nak beli mesin jahit baru.. Sewing machine for quilting..
3) I-pod Touch – Yang ni aku dah lama kecek dgn abe aku.. hehe..

4) Earrings - Aku dah lama teringin nak anting-anting baru...
5) Handbag – Coach , Patchwork design.. Kalo mahal sangat, yang Made in Korea pun aku tak kisah.. hehe.. These are some pictures I’ve taken from the net, but actually what I want is not like that. Maybe lebih kurang la.. I can only tell when I see one..
Eh, pendek jer wishlist aku rupanya..
It was not listed by priorities; maybe I list it down by how hard it is for me to get it.
Usaha tangga kejayaan (my motto since forever)..
Wish me luck..
Lots of Luv,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What I've been doing lately..
Monday, April 13, 2009
After cough & cold...
I've been wanting to show these for quite some time, but because of the cough & cold issues, i've been postponing the photo shoots.. & manage to take a few snap over the weekend..
It's the giveaway that I won from Maya.. I received it end of Mar'09 in this package..
Nampak tak Maya tulis nama aku kat bungkusan tu? Hehe...
Oleh kerana aku menang hadiah ni disebabkan oleh kecintaanku terhadap jahitan, maka aku gunakanlah untuk segala yang berkaitan dgn jahitan jugak..
i) Tote bag tu aku isikan dengan fabrik yang aku kumpul untuk 1 projek impian (hehehe...)
ii) Pouch tu aku isikan dengan projek yang sedang diusahakan (W.I.P)
iii) Kerana aku takde buku yang sedang dibaca, maka book mark tu aku guna untuk tanda majalah aku (reference for my W.I.P .. hehe...)
Aku sayang nak guna sebenarnyer.. hehe.. Takut rosak.. tp.. guna jugak lah.. hehe..
and again, thank you very much Maya..
These are my 2 boys, after the cough & cold..
Semoga anak-anak mama sihat selalu..
p/s: The curtain at the back is also sewn by me.. hehe...
Take care,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Award from Kak Niena
I would like to thank Kak Niena of me.niena-Quilts & Craft for the nomination. Actually it has been quite some times since kak niena add the post about this award. tapi, baru ari ni aku ada kelapangan nak menulis.
Happy sangat sebab 1st time dpt nomination for award. Makin rajin la saya meng'blog'kan diri lepas ni.. Thanks ek kak niena...

p/s: aku tak dapat la follow rules award ni. Aci tak? Hehe...
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Kitchen Accessories
This is what I've done to the 12 Triangles block. Ok tak?
This one will go to my kitchen. Cover untuk dapur ku yang jarang digunakan.. almaklumlah.. aku ni sgt la 'rajin' memasak.. hehehe..
Berseri sikit dapur aku. ada color pink & purple. kalo tak black & white jer [kuasa veto abe ku... ;) jgn marah ek bang..]
Monday, March 23, 2009
Yahooo... saya menang...!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Giveaway by Maya..i want.. i want!
I saw Fida joining this give away, so I want to join too. Maya's pouches so adorable.. I'm aiming for no. 3. check it out ..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Giveaway in Spring.. i want..i want..!
I'm signing up for this giveaway..
Jom la kita join ramai2..
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tulip Lady Fingers
But a bit disappointed because I chose the wrong color.. It doesn't come out as imagine it would be..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
These are the magazines that I purchased online at www.booksvalley.com. Dapat ler harga yang berpatutan sebab magazine ni tahun2 lepas punya. Tapi aku tak kisah sebab quilting bukan ada expired date pun.. hehe.. Best gak baca magazine2 ni, dapat tips, dpt idea baru, dpt tgk hasil kerja org, etc..
p/s: Thanks to Kak Aziha (owner of booksvalley.com and lovevialove.com) yang rajin melayan aku.. Saya tolong promote online shop akak nih... bleh tak?
Take care and stay healthy...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My stash again... heheeee..
Keep stock dulu nih.. nnti bila nak guna senang..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
-Barbara's Apartment-