Hi & good day everyone..
May is coming..
I’ll be celebrating my 30th birthday this coming May..
Haha.. sudah mau dapat digit 3 la…
Tapi, secara terus terang, aku tak terasa pun macam nak masuk umur 30..
Sebab terasa muda jer.. hehe.. perasan..
Cuma terasa dewasa je la, sebab tgk anak2 semakin membesar.Dulu kenit jer.. hehe..
Inilah senarai angan-angan aku..My wishlist that need to be fulfilled by myself.
Aku x nak minta kat abe aku, tapi kalo dia terbaca & terasa nak bagi, kecik tapak tangan, Stadium Merdeka aku tadahkan.. hehe..
1) W I S H – Impian yang telah tersimpan sekian lama. Aku berangan nak MPV Toyota Wish. Tapi kalo dapat Proton Exora yang baru tu ok gak.. hehe.. We can always have another options, right..?

2) Mesin Jahit – Aku nak beli mesin jahit baru.. Sewing machine for quilting..
3) I-pod Touch – Yang ni aku dah lama kecek dgn abe aku.. hehe..

4) Earrings - Aku dah lama teringin nak anting-anting baru...
5) Handbag – Coach , Patchwork design.. Kalo mahal sangat, yang Made in Korea pun aku tak kisah.. hehe.. These are some pictures I’ve taken from the net, but actually what I want is not like that. Maybe lebih kurang la.. I can only tell when I see one..
Eh, pendek jer wishlist aku rupanya..
It was not listed by priorities; maybe I list it down by how hard it is for me to get it.
Usaha tangga kejayaan (my motto since forever)..
Wish me luck..
Lots of Luv,
zila...if u got the toyots wish..blh lah join we all...me,niena,maz..we are the h/wife of wish club m'sia members..i'll pray for u..amin
ReplyDeleteowh.. thats why la kak aida semua mcm kenal rapat gitu.. thanks for your wish.. i wish i could have the WISH before i turn 40.. hehe..
ReplyDeletezila..hope all your wishes will come true..sy dah pegi ke cottage patch tu utk amik kelas beginner. InsyaAllah next week start belajar. Tak sabar rasanya nak start buat quilting & patchwork :D
ReplyDeletehi zila - harap2 semua tu akan jadi milik awak, insya-allah, btw salam kenal
ReplyDeletezila, banyak tu wishlist u. mudah-mudahan dikabulkan Allah. specially tang nak kan toyota wish tu...boleh la join kiter orang berkonvoi nanti
ReplyDeletewahaha....aku rasa selain kereta tu...abe leh kasik tu...hehhehe.
ReplyDeletekete pun boley...lambat skek la kot...
Dear Akmal,
CAmner kelas kat CP? Best x? enjoy tau..
Dear Cik CT.. salam kenal jugak.. thanks for dropping by..
Dear Kak Niena,
Lambat lagi la saya bleh berkonvoi dgn akak2 semua.. Just curious, umur berapa ek akak beli wish..? then i can have a clear target when can i have it.. hehe..
To liza..
mmg lmbt la.. maybe kena tggu aku naik pangkat kot.. hehe..
Salam ukhuwah Mama Daniel
ReplyDeleteBefore akak terlupa: Happy Birthday ya (ucap awal2 sebelum May is coming)...
Welcome to 30+ group hehehehe akak dah nak masuk 3 tahun memghuninya :)
Semoga semu aimpian Mama Daniel akan tercapai
belum pegi lagi zila..skang ni bz sket..baru nak start sabtu ni hehehe..ari tu pegi baru pilih kain..tu pun mmg dah syok gila rasa hahaha