I would like to thank Kak Niena of me.niena-Quilts & Craft for the nomination. Actually it has been quite some times since kak niena add the post about this award. tapi, baru ari ni aku ada kelapangan nak menulis.
Happy sangat sebab 1st time dpt nomination for award. Makin rajin la saya meng'blog'kan diri lepas ni.. Thanks ek kak niena...
I would like to thank Kak Niena of me.niena-Quilts & Craft for the nomination. Actually it has been quite some times since kak niena add the post about this award. tapi, baru ari ni aku ada kelapangan nak menulis.
Happy sangat sebab 1st time dpt nomination for award. Makin rajin la saya meng'blog'kan diri lepas ni.. Thanks ek kak niena...

p/s: aku tak dapat la follow rules award ni. Aci tak? Hehe...
r u really got this award or this is just an 'APRIL FOOL'? tehehe..