What should I do with this piece? Pls advise me... (huhu...)
I really don't know what color to choose for the border..
Yellow or pink or green? arghh..
please..help me.....!
Thank you,
Hi & good day everyone..
May is coming..
I’ll be celebrating my 30th birthday this coming May..
Haha.. sudah mau dapat digit 3 la…
Tapi, secara terus terang, aku tak terasa pun macam nak masuk umur 30..
Sebab terasa muda jer.. hehe.. perasan..
Cuma terasa dewasa je la, sebab tgk anak2 semakin membesar.Dulu kenit jer.. hehe..
Inilah senarai angan-angan aku..My wishlist that need to be fulfilled by myself.
Aku x nak minta kat abe aku, tapi kalo dia terbaca & terasa nak bagi, kecik tapak tangan, Stadium Merdeka aku tadahkan.. hehe..
1) W I S H – Impian yang telah tersimpan sekian lama. Aku berangan nak MPV Toyota Wish. Tapi kalo dapat Proton Exora yang baru tu ok gak.. hehe.. We can always have another options, right..?
2) Mesin Jahit – Aku nak beli mesin jahit baru.. Sewing machine for quilting..
4) Earrings - Aku dah lama teringin nak anting-anting baru...
Eh, pendek jer wishlist aku rupanya..
It was not listed by priorities; maybe I list it down by how hard it is for me to get it.
Usaha tangga kejayaan (my motto since forever)..
Wish me luck..
Lots of Luv,