Salam & Hai..
gembira sebab saya suka dengan apa yang saya terima.. dari AdikManis..

i am sewww relieved that Aim Aris likes what I sew for her..
a gathered cluctch

saya juga ada buatkan sepasang mini potholder for Aim.. untuk gambar lebih menarik sila la lawat ke blog Aim Aris.. pictures by Aim are prettier and got style one.... haha.. tak caya gi la tengok.. hehehe
Sis Zura.. terima kasih kerana menganjurkan projek ini..
We should do this more often Sis Zura!
sebab best sangattttt!

yang oren tu saya punyer... :)
itu 1st trial buat gathered clutch.. ada banyak sangat defects.. haha.. tapi saya tetap suka & sayang.. :)
haha. thanks to online editing app. i just beautify apa yg mmg dah cantik. ;)
ReplyDeleteand yeah we should do this more often! :)
wow mama! tahniah berjaya buat so many beautiful things!
ReplyDeleteand saya mmg dah lama mencari clutch yg best utk saya pakai.. one that fits my hp, car keys, some cash all at the same time! looks like your clutch is just it!
nanti saya usha tuto tu.. thanks so much!!
cantiknya! i love the pillow as well as the clutch :) best jer..tak sempat nak join swap nih..buat lah lagi..mana tahu buleh join pas nih..hehehe..cantik cluth mamadaniel..
ReplyDeleteHappy nyer zila, penerima tu pun mesti happy dapat ur cute clutch tu :))
ReplyDeletebest gak join swap nie, before this kmaz selalu join yang quilting gallery buat jer .Selalu dapat partner yang sungguh bermurah hati macam2 gift dia hantar:))
AIM~thanks dear... editing + camera canggih la kan... hehehe
ReplyDeleteAAW~ thanks.. cuba tau.. mmg addictive sikit.. cuma fening skit bab pilih fabrik.. masa memilih kain yg matching lebih pjg drpd masa menjahit.. so, take ur time.. :)
ReplyDeleteWEEN~thanks dear... :) glad u like it!
ReplyDeletesaya rasa sambutan swap ni memang menggalakkan.. maybe organizer kita akan consider another swap kot... :)
KAK MAZ~thanks...
ReplyDeletemmg best join swap2 nih.. mmg teruja lah nak tunggu present n nak buat present utk kwn baru.. saya tak pernah join international swap.. mesti best dpt gift dr overseas crafter-cum-friend kan...
oh my dear! you wouldn't believe this but i only own a very-tak-canggih-camera. like seriously! :)
ReplyDeletecantiknya the clutch zila..;) thanks for sharing the tutorial tp xtau bila nak buat tu..hehe
ReplyDeletesew & swap ni best, baru join hari tu..rasa mcm nak join lagi je. after this nak kena join sew-along la, baru rajin menjahit :) sbb ada project n also timeline
Aim Aris~ hehehe... :)
ReplyDeleteMarie~ kalo ada swap lagi, maybe marie bleh try jahit clutch tu plak kan..kan..kan.. :)
Cantik2 semuanya so happy to see all the creativity on display! Insya Allah kita buat lagi untuk versi 2011 kasi up sikit challenge dia hehe...thanks for joining dear!
ReplyDeleteKak Zura~Thanks.. tak sabar nak tunggu the next swap.. :)