Her Mummy called her Beluncas.
Her Mummy is a colleague of mine.
Her Mummy always bring her to the office on Friday evening.
Her Mummy got promoted and will be leaving us very soon.
We won't be able to meet Fifi Si Beluncas on Friday anymore.
So, I made this special for Si Beluncas.
Hopefully, she won't forget us.
We will miss u a lot Fifi.
We will miss u too Puan Cat.
The proses story plak...

quilting saya... saya guna benang color grey..

after quilting (senget benget.. huhu...)

saya try buat applique nama Fifi macam gambar kat atas tu..
tapi tak menjadi la..
so, saya potong Mr Teddy ini dan jadikan label..
tapi fifi kena turn this pillow case inside out baru boleh nampak label nih..
selekeh sikit, sebab tu kena sorok.. muehehehe

hopefully Si Beluncas likes it!
cantik ler wording fifi tuh... why not letakkan jer.. hehehe kang kena ambik balik dr tuannyer plak kan.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kak Mila.. wording fifi tu lepas saya jahit, jadi tak cantik.. huhu.. saya tak puas hati, saya potong terus kain tu.. buat lain... ngeh ngeh.. dah bagi dah semalam.. sbb dah last day dia ari nih.. x sompat.. :)
ReplyDeletesure si beluncas tu happy kan. untung si beluncas tu..
ReplyDeleteanyway, cantek lerr...mana ada cacatnya..tak nmpk pun.
aimila.. ada la.. huhu... tapi nama pun hand made kan.. kalo kilang made ni mmg x lepas quality control nih.. ;)