Kawan-kawan... Tq friends..

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm honoured....!

Salam & Hi...

I would like to thank Kak Shima of qasehcreation for this lovely award - Beautiful Blogger Award.. Terharu saya.. hehe.. Terharu sehingga hilang kata-kata.. cheeewah.. To Kak Shima.. terima kasih banyak-banyak.. semoga selepas ni makin rajin la kita menjahit & mengupdate blog.. hehe..

Dengan hati yang suci murni, maka dengan ini
saya pun nak la jugak memanjangkan award ini kepada tuan punya blog berikut.....
The beautiful bloggers are.... (drum roll please..!)


  1. I'm touched.. thanks for including me in your circle.. *hugs*

  2. zila..thanks for the award..sori can't publish kat blog k.aida
    i guess something wrong wth my server ..i can't copy and paste
    nanti klo dah ok..i'll take it ok :)

  3. Ms Sue.. sama-sama... =)

    Kak Aida.. it's ok.. sama-sama jugak.. =)

  4. zila, tima kasih bnyk2. terharu sgt!!

  5. zila.....tq so very much... lama dah tak dapat award ..

    tq k....
