1st of all, i would like to thank Fida for her kindness in designing
the layout for this blog.
Very nice.. i like the color & the duck so much...
heee... sukanyer hatiku.... :)
If i were to design it myself, tahun depan pun belum tentu siap...
Hari ni aku nak tunjukkan my 1st ever quilt..
Aku start class kat Cottage Patch on 07 July 2008... After about 2 mths its finally siap jugak.

This is the first block.. baru susun, belom jahit pun.. heee..

Gambar ni masa basting stage..
This is the final result....

Amacam? Ok tak?
Alhamdulillah, walaupun aku tgh 32weeks pregnant,
aku bersyukur sgt, aku dapat jugak siapkan quilt ni..
Sekarang tgh kumpul material... to start on my 2 nd project.. Wish me luck!!